Popcorn and a good movie are inseparable, but what, precisely, does popping corn does to your body? First off, you should know that the way you prepare the gourmet popcorn has a significant impact on its final product.
You're not favouring your body by purchasing movie popcorn when it's doused with butter and salt. Similarly, there needs to be more certainty in opting for microwave popcorn at home, as it may contain preservatives and other unidentified components. Air-popped popcorn is the best choice for health. Making popcorn at home, instead of microwaving it, allows you to regulate the number of ingredients used, such as using just a pinch of salt instead of the excessive amounts in store-bought varieties.
Unlike microwave or theatre popcorn, which has no redeeming health qualities, cooking this tasty snack the right way has several positive effects on your body. So, if you're a popcorn fan, here's what your body can anticipate.
What happens when you eat microwave popcorn made by popcorn companies every day
Popcorn lung may be familiar to avid popcorn eaters, but it's nothing to fret over unless you've been eating two bags of microwave popcorn every day for the past decade. One Wayne Watson tried that, and he got popcorn lung as a result. Popcorn lung, also known as bronchiolitis obliterans, affects the bronchioles and can lead to coughing and difficulty breathing.
This disease can be triggered by various substances, from metal fumes to ammonia. Yet, the term "popcorn lung" was coined by the many popcorn plant workers who became ill after years of regular exposure to microwave popcorn emissions. Diacetyl, the chemical suspected of being at fault, was once used to add taste to butter but was phased out by major manufacturers in 2007. Unfortunately, some people have speculated that substitute compounds are dangerous.
One of the PFCs, PFOA, has been linked to cancer and used for years to line microwave popcorn bags. Popcorn manufacturers voluntarily stopped using the chemical thought to cause cancer in 2011. In the same year, American manufacturers halted production of three additional PFCs that the FDA would finally ban in 2016. Even though some of those chemicals have been eliminated, many remain, and we don't know what damage they could do. Furthermore, you don't need them to buy popcorn online and enjoy some fresh popcorn.
What happens if you snack on gourmet popcorn at the movies every day
Caramel, candy coating, butter, and salt- and sugar-laden popcorn seasonings are just a few examples of fats and high-salt or high-sugar toppings that may quickly transform a nutritious snack into an unhealthy one. For instance, an individual serving of caramel popcorn made by popcorn companies has over 11 grammes of sugar, but an identical quantity of plain air-popped popcorn has only 1.02 grammes. This is why the difference between, for instance, a daily diet of movie theatre popcorn and a daily diet of unseasoned, air-popped popcorn can have significant effects on health and weight.
The American Heart Association suggests reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, certain malignancies, and diabetes by eating air-popped popcorn at home with minimal seasoning. Meanwhile, a serving of movie theatre popcorn can cost you up to 2,650 milligrammes of sodium and up to 1,090 calories. That's over the maximum safe limit set by the FDA of 2,300 milligrammes per day. The next time you're mindlessly snacking in a dark movie theatre, remember that this much sodium can raise your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease over time.
The effects of a daily diet of plain, air-popped popcorn
An air-popper is likely your best bet when looking for the healthiest way to enjoy popcorn regularly. Popcorn made in one of these machines retains around 20 calories and 4 grammes of fat per 2-cup serving than conventional methods. If you're serious about reaping popcorn's health benefits, you should skip the butter, salt, and sugar. Because of its high protein and fibre content, it can aid in weight loss.
Vitamin A and vitamin K, both included in popcorn from PNC Popcorn, are essential for good vision and immune system health. Vitamin K also helps improve bone development and wound healing. Popcorn also contains iron, calcium, and potassium, all of which are necessary for optimal bodily functioning and are beneficial in and of themselves. Due to these factors, air-popped popcorn is the superior option to satisfy a crunch appetite.